Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Real or Fake #1

I found this video on youtube. You decide if its real or fake.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Did you know that today is National "Speak in a British Accent" Day? I've exdended this day from Friday to Sunday. Anyway, I realized that sinced intresting secrets and stuff like that have been happiening, my dreams have been relevant to that. For instance, say there is a person who I find mean and vicious at school, and I am going to a sleep-away camp in a few weeks. I might have a dream that I am at the sleep-away camp and that person who I don't like is there and is hurting someone. I end up beating up that person, which is something that I would never do at a summer camp. I have had a dream like that before, except the person who I possibly killed is someone who I don't know.   

Thursday, December 08, 2011

 Today, I stayed after school for this thing(now you know why I was late, Ethan). Mr. Cremin led us to the library where we chose books to read. I chose The Magician's Elephant. I've read it in fourth grade but I forgot most parts of it.

    Yesterday I was supposed to go to an ice skating party that the McGlynn was hosting. Someone offered me money to rent skates but I refused  because I could walk the three minute travel home to get five dollars from my bank or ask my mom for money. When I saw my piggy bank, I found it empty. I told my mom that my money was gone. It turns out she did. At least she gave me 10 bucks. I'm going to save my money and hide it somewhere else.
Today for some reason a kid named Domenic, who is in all of my main classes- English, Social Studies, Science, and Math- was talking about Osama Bin Laden *spits* for no  reason. Realizing I just gave pointless information, he was trying to fall on his chair but he never pushed it out and ended up falling on the ground. Everyone fell to pieces.

    Anyway, I am one of the four people in my homeroom  who seem to like to read the most my teacher, Mr. Cremin, brought all four of us secretly gave us papers that invited us to stay after school today so we can get books. The McGlynn is being part of a program is called the Massachusetts Children's Book Award. To be a part of it you must join a group of kids read one of the books they give to you to read. Then, they give you a short worksheet so you can reveiw it. Not to mention you get an award after.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Deep Shadows part 3

The Children try to stop her but the Shadow steals the Emerald and Topaz Gems. A plan leads to them recovering the gems and defeating the Shadow once and for all.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


I have new reactions to my posts. Now you can comment without words!


I was looking at stuff I could do to a person who is following me when I found a blog named Ramdom Stuff. A bunch of the Original Bloggers were following that person too so I want to know who that person is...

Saturday, November 05, 2011


Today I had my s]last soccer game of the 2011 fall season. It was one of the best games ever and it was against Somerville. I scored a goal and we won 3-0. We had pizza after


I am in the mood for some exotic fruit like bannanas or peaches.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I can't wait to be overflowing with candy in my bag and my shirt and my pants. I'm going to need a safe and a shopping cart

Monday, October 24, 2011

No homework!

Today I had 0 homework from school today. Heres my explanation:

English: I did it at the cafetorium during period 3. We usually have gym on that day, but none of the PE and health teachers were at school, so we were able to seize our oppertunity and do our homework at the cafe. By the way a very strange kid(Clearly one gram of sugar is too much for him in the morning) tried to sleep on my binder while I was organizing my English Section

Math: Our teacher (Mr. Kuzmich) spent so much time going ove vocab words, that he never got the chance to give us our homework so he just decided he would give it ot us us tomorrow.

Science: I accidentally finished it yesterday when it was due on tuesday.

Social Studies: Last week was rough, so Mrs. Bordonaro is trying

The random comment of the day is: It is illegal in some places to have a goatee without a license

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Next Week

Next week at school will be insane. Especially in social studies. We are going to have a note book check, which means that our teacher sees that our social studies section of our binder. This counts as 10% of our final grade for the quarter. Then we'll have a Chapter QUiz. Believe it or not, this counts for 50% of our final grade for the quarter. I'm nervous. I don't wanna die.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Movie

I don't know why, but I want to see the new movie, Puss In Boots. Don't ask why. Just don't. Please. I won't answer. This proves many things about me. Don't ask that either. Please forget about this stupid post.


I have an Idea to make a productive way of posting so there isn't a big gap in between posts. It is called:

The Random Comment of The Day!

     The random comment of the day is:  Rain comes from clouds
This daily segment will add a millimeter of humor in my blog. 

Note: I will not be able to post a random comment if there is no free internet access

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


On saturday I learned how to ride a segway. I was scared of crashing into a tree if I went too fast, but after a few laps I was in complete control.

The useless information of the day: I am strange

Saturday, October 08, 2011


I'm happy. Today I went all the way to Westford for a soccer game. 45 min. ride that made me fall asleep. There were a lot of people missing in both teams but more on the other team. The coach wanted it to be a 6-on-6 game be we had one more player. The game started horribly. They stole the ball at least 20 times in 2 minutes. They got the first goal. Score: 1-0. Then our starting left midfeilder scored a brilliant goal. We became tied. At the end of the half our foward scored a second goal, making the game on our side: 1-2. At the end of the half the Westford coach started saying that we were poking the other teams eyes. Then he started saying that if we dont stop playing so agressively he will end the game. I don't understand this because the other players were pushing us to get the ball while many of our players would stop for a second after someone tripped. At the second half, our foward scored another goal, making the score 1-3. Then I scored a goal for the first time this season to make it 1-4. The foward scored again to make the final score 1-5.    

Thursday, September 01, 2011


Today was the Mcglynn Oreintation. I got Side B(I have heard that that is a bad thing). My homeroom is room 320. I didn't see many people that I know which is giving me a feeling that I am going to have to make more friends than I intended. Buuuuut I will see next wednesday. My favorite subject will probably end up being either social studies or science.

   Also: on tuesday I had my first soccer practice. I am really excited for my first game that I believe is next saturday. This post is a copyright of Timmy is Awesome Inc.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Deep Shadows part 2

The Two kids reveal themselves as Luke and Bright from Diamond. They explain that Diamond has been darkend and people have had all there energy sucked out of them. Quinn explained that they were turned into Shadow Zombies. Luke and bright used the Diamond to reflect the Shadows beam. Quinn and Ryan return to the house with Luke and Bright. Turner, Ryan and Spiral's dad, says that they can't leave them here. Quinn offers to keep them at the Sapphire house, but Blaze turns them down. Quinn does not argue this time. Blaze has been violent lately. Quinn asks Sophie, his mom, but even she- the cherriest person he knows- turns them down negetively. Quinn then begins to secretly keep Luke and bright in their basement.
When Sophie finds out she doesn't punish Quinn right away, instead she asks them questions and find out about the situation in Diamond. She calls the original Jewl-Bearers to defeat the Shadow
They arrive at Diamond and see the Shadow larger than ever. The Shadow explains her plan to them. She was going to take over Diamond and use the Shadow Zombies to take over the other cities.  

Deep Shadows

This past week I have been doing a writing program at Tufts. I am supposed to make a story. I could not think of anything original, so I just came up with a plot for The Lighthouse 2. Me and my tutor cam up with this original storyline:

The Official Grand Opening of Diamond City has been interrupted, during a Gady Laga performance, by the disapearence of the sun. People started to get scared. But other people realize that it is a solar eclipse. There has not been a solar eclipse in 4,000 years. Suddenly the Diamond Lighthouse started flashing it's gleaming eyes. At that moment everyone scattered to their homes.
Blaze and Quinn are now 17 and are having a wonderful life. They are now best friends with the lodestoners, Ryan an Spiral. When Blaze and Quinn visit Ryan and Spiral for dinner, They hear terrible sonds coming from outside. Blaze and Spiral stay, but Quinn, who is extremely curious, urges Ryan to come with him. They find two dust and bloody children in an alley.

Barbara C. Harris Camp

So far, summer has been AWWWSOMMME!!!! Last week  I went to a sleep-away camp that was  great. They do all kinds of activities there like canoeing, rock climbing, swimming in the lake(with the option of making sand castles), Archery(I almost got a bulls-eye!), and my favorite,  Canoe Dodgeball. In Canoe Doge ball, you climb into a canoe and you play dodgeball rules. You get hit, you are out until someone catches a ball. Every year, we camp out, but this year we camped out in a small clearing deep into the woods. As my friend Alex remarked that every  five second he could hear me spazzing out in the sleeping bag because my head was itchy and stupid flies buzzed in my ears. At about 11 O' Clock we asked our male counselor if we can leave since no one could fall asleep.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


To anyone reading this this that are going to the Andrews, moving, is a teacher, or other: Goodbye!!! Good luck in THE FUTURE... I might see you in high school. And I will make sure to visit you, Mr.Allen!

To those of you going to the Mcglynn: See you next school year!

To all: Remember to practice math, reading, writing, sciencey stuff etc.

Also, the last day of school party was totally aesome! For some reason, splashing "wasn't allowed" I also have a new end of  blog catchphrase:
©2011 Timmy Is Awesome Inc. ™

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Staying Over At School!

Today, on this thursday, we are staying over at school to work on our play. Mr. Allen is somewhere. Oh, he just came in the room. Now he left. Now he's back. Until he finds everyone, this is Time For Tim, at Blogger.com Signing off!

Friday, May 27, 2011

im a zombie please kill me

Timathy lawangua

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Duck Song 3

This is the Conclusion to the Duck Song.

Duck Song 2

This is the second part of the Duck Song trilogy.

The Duck Song 1

I have returned... for now. But while I am blogging for the moment, I am posting a Duck Song Trilogy! Here is Duck Song 1.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Prom Night!

This song is way more pukish than Friday! I like Chicken Wings!

Saturday, April 23, 2011




I'm sorry that I havn't blogged in a while. I was going to blog on my birthday(This monday) but my mom was doing her work. So I told myself, I will blog on tomorrow. So the next day I did not blog because I went to a vacation program  and I totally forgot. So the next day(wednesday)I remember but my mom is doing her work again. The next day my mom is doing her work again. the same thing happens on friday. So here I am. It's five days after my birthday! I'm 79 now.  

Friday, April 15, 2011


Finally, April Vacation has dawned. Happy Vacation everyone!!!! I like chicken wings!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The Read-A-Thon was so Awesome!!!! The Read-A-Thon is when Mr.Allen reads to us all day except for recess and lunch. Poor old Mumpo, turned into an old child. Imagine being chased out off school by old children. Your house is locked and your friends house is locked. Remember, it is the middle of school.

Random post

Here is a list of funny quotes(at least ones that I found amusing).

Last night I lay in bed looking at the stars. Then I think to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

Flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss

When I die I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did, not sleeping, like the passengers in his car.

First Post!!!!!

This is my first post!!!! I following everyone. I'm like a weirdo.