Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Today in wellness(health) class in school, we started a project. Mr. Dyer told us that we are going to create a slogan and make it fancy, add some designs, pictures and other stuff. He also told us that we were going to be on T.V.! So I was with a group of four boys(One being Carl), who all decided to make our slogan target fast food. Our first slogan was something pretty cool but I don't remember it. We thought some more and came up with: "GREASE MAKES OBESE" and we all loved it. Then we sety to work on individually making rough drafts. My design was to make the letters corrispond to the words so I drew GREASE all wet and nasty like real grease, I drew MAKE in the shape of various foods and the M looked like the McDonalds logo, I drew the OBESE as, well, you know. Next week I need to come in with supplies, pictures I found online, and other stuff that will help with the project  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun project! You could wipe genuine grease over the letters to give them the authentic feel and smell you're looking for!
