Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Time for Answers, Drumrolls and Randomness

My new catchphrase is: "I AM French Toast!"

    Anyway the answer to the riddle which is WAAAAAYYYY overdue is


More drumroll...

When will the drumroll end...?

A snake.
    That was really worth waiting for wasn't it?
    Anyhow that weird "book drive" kid stopped like weeks ago and I never really had to tell him to. But now I have a bigger problem - this creepy kid in my band class is also a Saxophone player so he has to sit next to me. He's creepy because he asks me weird questions like: "Wanna smell my cork grease?" By the way, cork grease smells like pee. He also calls himself "Cleavage Man". Hopefully he's talking about how a rock cuts.

    The random fact of the day is: in the middle ages, animals were put on trial for crimes against humanity 


1 comment:

  1. Being smacked around in the 'book drive' was a more serious problem than 'Cleavage Man', in my opinion. Glad to see that you remember some of the work we did on Rocks last year!
