Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Cold!

I regret everything I said about wishing for for snow! I like snow when it's falling because it looks beautiful, but now, there's slush on the ground, mud everywhere, and not to mention, it's COLD! Dirty snow is my third least favorite thing about winter behind not being able to go outside and of course, the COLD! Despite the awful part of winter, I just can't wait until Feburary Vacation because hopefully, I will be able to go sledding.

Anyway, This COLD reminds me of the time I went to Florida, where it was warm every day. One time I was at a cafe in Universal Studios. I was in the bathroom right before we left, when as soon as I walked in, I heard a very loud growling sound coming from out of one of the stalls. I instantly ran out, terrified. Now that I think about it, that must have been really funny considering how the growl sounded like and how it was coming from a stall.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Today in wellness(health) class in school, we started a project. Mr. Dyer told us that we are going to create a slogan and make it fancy, add some designs, pictures and other stuff. He also told us that we were going to be on T.V.! So I was with a group of four boys(One being Carl), who all decided to make our slogan target fast food. Our first slogan was something pretty cool but I don't remember it. We thought some more and came up with: "GREASE MAKES OBESE" and we all loved it. Then we sety to work on individually making rough drafts. My design was to make the letters corrispond to the words so I drew GREASE all wet and nasty like real grease, I drew MAKE in the shape of various foods and the M looked like the McDonalds logo, I drew the OBESE as, well, you know. Next week I need to come in with supplies, pictures I found online, and other stuff that will help with the project  

Sunday, January 01, 2012

I've done pretty much nothing besides go to my friends house and watch the ball drop on New Years on TV. So besides any of that, all I've really done is play video games, get sick of that, play piano, get sick of that, go on the computer, get sick of that, jump on a trampoline, get sick. I would go sledding but there's one tiny problem with that: It never snowed.

 But I bet i would be happy about that if it was last year. There was never a time when there wasn't snow on the ground. The problem with the snow is that it was extremly cold and was pretty much soft ice covered in dirt so it was useless for making snowmen or having snowball fight and all that junk.

I still expect it to snow before valentines day.