Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Time for Answers, Drumrolls and Randomness

My new catchphrase is: "I AM French Toast!"

    Anyway the answer to the riddle which is WAAAAAYYYY overdue is


More drumroll...

When will the drumroll end...?

A snake.
    That was really worth waiting for wasn't it?
    Anyhow that weird "book drive" kid stopped like weeks ago and I never really had to tell him to. But now I have a bigger problem - this creepy kid in my band class is also a Saxophone player so he has to sit next to me. He's creepy because he asks me weird questions like: "Wanna smell my cork grease?" By the way, cork grease smells like pee. He also calls himself "Cleavage Man". Hopefully he's talking about how a rock cuts.

    The random fact of the day is: in the middle ages, animals were put on trial for crimes against humanity 


Thursday, February 02, 2012

<:) Hat!

Some people are just completely annoying. Like there's this one kid who, for some reason, he book-driving me* and kicking my binder(which is probably the reason why I can't fix my binder's rings anymore...

Anyway, to put a more positive spin on this post I decided to put up a riddle! Here it is:

I spit like bacon, am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone but lack good legs,
I peel like an onion but still remain whole,
I'm long like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole
What am I?

I will post the answer on Saturday, my second favorite day of the week.

*A book drive is when you run up to someone and hit them with a hardcovered book.(The kid who is doing this is the same kid who wrote the post "I'm a Zombie Please Kill Me Timothy Lwanga")