Thursday, July 21, 2011

Barbara C. Harris Camp

So far, summer has been AWWWSOMMME!!!! Last week  I went to a sleep-away camp that was  great. They do all kinds of activities there like canoeing, rock climbing, swimming in the lake(with the option of making sand castles), Archery(I almost got a bulls-eye!), and my favorite,  Canoe Dodgeball. In Canoe Doge ball, you climb into a canoe and you play dodgeball rules. You get hit, you are out until someone catches a ball. Every year, we camp out, but this year we camped out in a small clearing deep into the woods. As my friend Alex remarked that every  five second he could hear me spazzing out in the sleeping bag because my head was itchy and stupid flies buzzed in my ears. At about 11 O' Clock we asked our male counselor if we can leave since no one could fall asleep.


  1. Well im going to sleep away camp too this summer itl be the best!!!! But yours sounds ike a lot of fun tooo!!!!!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun - except the flies!
